
How much is a family portrait worth?

     People walk into my studio 5-6 times a year with a snapshot of a loved one who is no longer with them. This person died suddenly and now all they have is this snapshot that they want me to do something with. They ask, can you blow this up or insert it in an older family photo? Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to do anything for them. And now this is all they have, their snapshot. The really sad thing is they all said the same thing during our conversation, I /we really meant to have a portrait done but now it’s too late.

     A long time ago I lived in California and did some portraits for a family I knew. They never ordered anything. I was very disappointed. About four years later after I moved back to Milwaukee I received a phone call. It was from one of the sisters. She had tracked me down. Their only brother died in an auto accident, he was in his mid thirties.She remembered that they had  a portrait session with me and but never ordered anything. Luckily I kept everything. In the end, they were able to have some wonderful images of their family and of him. She was so thankful and so was I.

     Please don’t let another holiday or family get together go by without scheduling your family portrait. I want to see you now with your family, not later with a snapshot in your hand.


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